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RFC Index (5901..6000)

RFC Description Author(s) Status Obsoleted by Updated by
5901 Extensions to the IODEF-Document Class for Reporting Phishing P. Cain, D. Jevans Proposed standard
5902 IAB Thoughts on IPv6 Network Address Translation D. Thaler, L. Zhang, G. Lebovitz Informational
5903 Elliptic Curve Groups modulo a Prime (ECP Groups) for IKE and IKEv2 D. Fu, J. Solinas Informational
5904 RADIUS Attributes for IEEE 802.16 Privacy Key Management Version 1 (PKMv1) Protocol Support G. Zorn Informational
5905 Network Time Protocol Version 4: Protocol and Algorithms Specification D. Mills, J. Martin, Ed., J. Burbank, W. Kasch Proposed standard RFC 7822, RFC 8573, RFC 9109, RFC 9748
5906 Network Time Protocol Version 4: Autokey Specification B. Haberman, Ed., D. Mills Informational RFC 9748
5907 Definitions of Managed Objects for Network Time Protocol Version 4 (NTPv4) H. Gerstung, C. Elliott, B. Haberman, Ed. Proposed standard
5908 Network Time Protocol (NTP) Server Option for DHCPv6 R. Gayraud, B. Lourdelet Proposed standard
5909 Securing Neighbor Discovery Proxy: Problem Statement J-M. Combes, S. Krishnan, G. Daley Informational
5910 Domain Name System (DNS) Security Extensions Mapping for the Extensible Provisioning Protocol (EPP) J. Gould, S. Hollenbeck Proposed standard
5911 New ASN.1 Modules for Cryptographic Message Syntax (CMS) and S/MIME P. Hoffman, J. Schaad Informational RFC 6268
5912 New ASN.1 Modules for the Public Key Infrastructure Using X.509 (PKIX) P. Hoffman, J. Schaad Informational RFC 6960, RFC 9480
5913 Clearance Attribute and Authority Clearance Constraints Certificate Extension S. Turner, S. Chokhani Proposed standard
5914 Trust Anchor Format R. Housley, S. Ashmore, C. Wallace Proposed standard
5915 Elliptic Curve Private Key Structure S. Turner, D. Brown Informational
5916 Device Owner Attribute S. Turner Informational
5917 Clearance Sponsor Attribute S. Turner Informational
5918 Label Distribution Protocol (LDP) 'Typed Wildcard' Forward Equivalence Class (FEC) R. Asati, I. Minei, B. Thomas Proposed standard RFC 7358
5919 Signaling LDP Label Advertisement Completion R. Asati, P. Mohapatra, E. Chen, B. Thomas Proposed standard
5920 Security Framework for MPLS and GMPLS Networks L. Fang, Ed. Informational
5921 A Framework for MPLS in Transport Networks M. Bocci, Ed., S. Bryant, Ed., D. Frost, Ed., L. Levrau, L. Berger Informational RFC 6215, RFC 7274
5922 Domain Certificates in the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) V. Gurbani, S. Lawrence, A. Jeffrey Proposed standard
5923 Connection Reuse in the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) V. Gurbani, Ed., R. Mahy, B. Tate Proposed standard
5924 Extended Key Usage (EKU) for Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) X.509 Certificates S. Lawrence, V. Gurbani Experimental
5925 The TCP Authentication Option J. Touch, A. Mankin, R. Bonica Proposed standard
5926 Cryptographic Algorithms for the TCP Authentication Option (TCP-AO) G. Lebovitz, E. Rescorla Proposed standard
5927 ICMP Attacks against TCP F. Gont Informational
5928 Traversal Using Relays around NAT (TURN) Resolution Mechanism M. Petit-Huguenin Proposed standard RFC 7350, RFC 8553
5929 Channel Bindings for TLS J. Altman, N. Williams, L. Zhu Proposed standard RFC 9266
5930 Using Advanced Encryption Standard Counter Mode (AES-CTR) with the Internet Key Exchange version 02 (IKEv2) Protocol S. Shen, Y. Mao, NSS. Murthy Informational
5931 Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) Authentication Using Only a Password D. Harkins, G. Zorn Informational RFC 8146
5932 Camellia Cipher Suites for TLS A. Kato, M. Kanda, S. Kanno Proposed standard
5933 Use of GOST Signature Algorithms in DNSKEY and RRSIG Resource Records for DNSSEC V. Dolmatov, Ed., A. Chuprina, I. Ustinov Historic RFC 6944
5934 Trust Anchor Management Protocol (TAMP) R. Housley, S. Ashmore, C. Wallace Proposed standard
5935 Expressing SNMP SMI Datatypes in XML Schema Definition Language M. Ellison, B. Natale Proposed standard
5936 DNS Zone Transfer Protocol (AXFR) E. Lewis, A. Hoenes, Ed. Proposed standard RFC 9103
5937 Using Trust Anchor Constraints during Certification Path Processing S. Ashmore, C. Wallace Informational
5938 Individual Session Control Feature for the Two-Way Active Measurement Protocol (TWAMP) A. Morton, M. Chiba Proposed standard
5939 Session Description Protocol (SDP) Capability Negotiation F. Andreasen Proposed standard RFC 6871
5940 Additional Cryptographic Message Syntax (CMS) Revocation Information Choices S. Turner, R. Housley Proposed standard
5941 Sharing Transaction Fraud Data D. M'Raihi, S. Boeyen, M. Grandcolas, S. Bajaj Informational
5942 IPv6 Subnet Model: The Relationship between Links and Subnet Prefixes H. Singh, W. Beebee, E. Nordmark Proposed standard
5943 A Dedicated Routing Policy Specification Language Interface Identifier for Operational Testing B. Haberman, Ed. Proposed standard
5944 IP Mobility Support for IPv4, Revised C. Perkins, Ed. Proposed standard
5945 Resource Reservation Protocol (RSVP) Proxy Approaches F. Le Faucheur, J. Manner, D. Wing, A. Guillou Informational
5946 Resource Reservation Protocol (RSVP) Extensions for Path-Triggered RSVP Receiver Proxy F. Le Faucheur, J. Manner, A. Narayanan, A. Guillou, H. Malik Proposed standard
5947 Requirements for Multiple Address of Record (AOR) Reachability Information in the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) J. Elwell, H. Kaplan Informational
5948 Transmission of IPv4 Packets over the IP Convergence Sublayer of IEEE 802.16 S. Madanapalli, S. Park, S. Chakrabarti, G. Montenegro Proposed standard
5949 Fast Handovers for Proxy Mobile IPv6 H. Yokota, K. Chowdhury, R. Koodli, B. Patil, F. Xia Proposed standard
5950 Network Management Framework for MPLS-based Transport Networks S. Mansfield, Ed., E. Gray, Ed., K. Lam, Ed. Informational
5951 Network Management Requirements for MPLS-based Transport Networks K. Lam, S. Mansfield, E. Gray Proposed standard
5952 A Recommendation for IPv6 Address Text Representation S. Kawamura, M. Kawashima Proposed standard
5953 Transport Layer Security (TLS) Transport Model for the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) W. Hardaker Proposed standard RFC 6353 RFC 8996
5954 Essential Correction for IPv6 ABNF and URI Comparison in RFC 3261 V. Gurbani, Ed., B. Carpenter, Ed., B. Tate, Ed. Proposed standard
5955 The application/timestamped-data Media Type A. Santoni Informational
5956 Forward Error Correction Grouping Semantics in the Session Description Protocol A. Begen Proposed standard
5957 Display-Based Address Sorting for the IMAP4 SORT Extension D. Karp Proposed standard
5958 Asymmetric Key Packages S. Turner Proposed standard
5959 Algorithms for Asymmetric Key Package Content Type S. Turner Proposed standard RFC 6162
5960 MPLS Transport Profile Data Plane Architecture D. Frost, Ed., S. Bryant, Ed., M. Bocci, Ed. Proposed standard RFC 7274
5961 Improving TCP's Robustness to Blind In-Window Attacks A. Ramaiah, R. Stewart, M. Dalal Proposed standard RFC 9293
5962 Dynamic Extensions to the Presence Information Data Format Location Object (PIDF-LO) H. Schulzrinne, V. Singh, H. Tschofenig, M. Thomson Proposed standard
5963 IPv6 Deployment in Internet Exchange Points (IXPs) R. Gagliano Informational
5964 Specifying Holes in Location-to-Service Translation (LoST) Service Boundaries J. Winterbottom, M. Thomson Proposed standard
5965 An Extensible Format for Email Feedback Reports Y. Shafranovich, J. Levine, M. Kucherawy Proposed standard RFC 6650
5966 DNS Transport over TCP - Implementation Requirements R. Bellis Proposed standard RFC 7766
5967 The application/pkcs10 Media Type S. Turner Informational
5968 Guidelines for Extending the RTP Control Protocol (RTCP) J. Ott, C. Perkins Informational
5969 IPv6 Rapid Deployment on IPv4 Infrastructures (6rd) -- Protocol Specification W. Townsley, O. Troan Proposed standard
5970 DHCPv6 Options for Network Boot T. Huth, J. Freimann, V. Zimmer, D. Thaler Proposed standard
5971 GIST: General Internet Signalling Transport H. Schulzrinne, R. Hancock Experimental
5972 General Internet Signaling Transport (GIST) State Machine T. Tsenov, H. Tschofenig, X. Fu, Ed., C. Aoun, E. Davies Informational
5973 NAT/Firewall NSIS Signaling Layer Protocol (NSLP) M. Stiemerling, H. Tschofenig, C. Aoun, E. Davies Experimental
5974 NSIS Signaling Layer Protocol (NSLP) for Quality-of-Service Signaling J. Manner, G. Karagiannis, A. McDonald Experimental
5975 QSPEC Template for the Quality-of-Service NSIS Signaling Layer Protocol (NSLP) G. Ash, Ed., A. Bader, Ed., C. Kappler, Ed., D. Oran, Ed. Experimental
5976 Y.1541-QOSM: Model for Networks Using Y.1541 Quality-of-Service Classes G. Ash, A. Morton, M. Dolly, P. Tarapore, C. Dvorak, Y. El Mghazli Experimental
5977 RMD-QOSM: The NSIS Quality-of-Service Model for Resource Management in Diffserv A. Bader, L. Westberg, G. Karagiannis, C. Kappler, T. Phelan Experimental
5978 Using and Extending the NSIS Protocol Family J. Manner, R. Bless, J. Loughney, E. Davies, Ed. Informational
5979 NSIS Operation over IP Tunnels C. Shen, H. Schulzrinne, S. Lee, J. Bang Experimental
5980 NSIS Protocol Operation in Mobile Environments T. Sanda, Ed., X. Fu, S. Jeong, J. Manner, H. Tschofenig Informational
5981 Authorization for NSIS Signaling Layer Protocols J. Manner, M. Stiemerling, H. Tschofenig, R. Bless, Ed. Experimental
5982 IP Flow Information Export (IPFIX) Mediation: Problem Statement A. Kobayashi, Ed., B. Claise, Ed. Informational
5983 Mailing Lists and Internationalized Email Addresses R. Gellens Experimental RFC 6783
5984 Increasing Throughput in IP Networks with ESP-Based Forwarding: ESPBasedForwarding K-M. Moller Experimental
5985 HTTP-Enabled Location Delivery (HELD) M. Barnes, Ed. Proposed standard RFC 7840
5986 Discovering the Local Location Information Server (LIS) M. Thomson, J. Winterbottom Proposed standard
5987 Character Set and Language Encoding for Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) Header Field Parameters J. Reschke Historic RFC 8187
5988 Web Linking M. Nottingham Proposed standard RFC 8288
5989 A SIP Event Package for Subscribing to Changes to an HTTP Resource A.B. Roach Proposed standard
5990 Use of the RSA-KEM Key Transport Algorithm in the Cryptographic Message Syntax (CMS) J. Randall, B. Kaliski, J. Brainard, S. Turner Proposed standard RFC 9690
5991 Teredo Security Updates D. Thaler, S. Krishnan, J. Hoagland Proposed standard
5992 Internationalized Domain Names Registration and Administration Guidelines for European Languages Using Cyrillic S. Sharikov, D. Miloshevic, J. Klensin Informational
5993 RTP Payload Format for Global System for Mobile Communications Half Rate (GSM-HR) X. Duan, S. Wang, M. Westerlund, K. Hellwig, I. Johansson Proposed standard
5994 Application of Ethernet Pseudowires to MPLS Transport Networks S. Bryant, Ed., M. Morrow, G. Swallow, R. Cherukuri, T. Nadeau, N. Harrison, B. Niven-Jenkins Informational
5995 Using POST to Add Members to Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV) Collections J. Reschke Proposed standard
5996 Internet Key Exchange Protocol Version 2 (IKEv2) C. Kaufman, P. Hoffman, Y. Nir, P. Eronen Proposed standard RFC 7296 RFC 5998, RFC 6989
5997 Use of Status-Server Packets in the Remote Authentication Dial In User Service (RADIUS) Protocol A. DeKok Informational
5998 An Extension for EAP-Only Authentication in IKEv2 P. Eronen, H. Tschofenig, Y. Sheffer Proposed standard